Our Team


Teresa Heier

Believing in the power of the universe to direct us on a given path, circle learning became part of my life ten years ago when I joined a Women’s Native American drum circle. It was there I felt supported and encouraged to meditate and find my spiritual place. The circle has enhanced my creativity and helped to keep me grounded. Then five years later, my path opened up more when our school was chosen to pilot restorative practices with circle training as a focus. It was a natural fit. Having been part of the drum circle gave me the experience and enthusiasm necessary to bring restorative circles to our staff and students. It created a culture of trust and community that I have not always felt. It also inspired me to share my expertise in bringing restorative practices to other schools, teachers, and students through our company, Circle RP. 


Nakeysha Roberts Washington

Nakeysha Roberts Washington, M.S. Ed is the owner and Creative Director of Genre: Urban Arts (GUA), a platform where artists can become published digitally and in print. Nakeysha spends much of her time preparing opportunities for creatives to share their art as part of the necessity for inclusion. All of this with the knowledge that working in the space of developing yourself as a creative is often seen as a privilege. Pop-up galleries and performances organized by Nakeysha via Gene: Urban Arts allows everyone in the creative community the ability to develop themselves as artists, become published and showcase their art through performance and exhibition. GUA is now a playground for 800+ creatives, all who have their own medium in which they create— Their own Genre.

David Sullivan-Konyn

 David Sullivan-Konyn, Restorative Practices Educator and eCommerce Entrepreneur, Sullivan-Konyn has dedicated his life to his family, to his students, and to our world. His motto: “You can’t take it with you,” reveals his passion for life here on earth and using the force of change in our world for the betterment of the lives of those to come. A social studies teacher for 21 years in the Milwaukee Public Schools system, David knows deep in his heart that he has received immensely more from his students than the knowledge of our history, government, and economics that he has freely shared with them.